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Home > Our business sectors > Servaux global marine services Toulon in the Var : equipment, general supplies, life saving, safety, fire fighting ... For the marine industry.

Servaux global marine services Toulon in the Var : equipment, general supplies, life saving, safety, fire fighting ... For the marine industry.

A little bit more on Servaux Global Marine Services

The company Servaux, based in Marseilles and Le Havre, the two main french harbours, was bought in May 2000 by the Group CFM FERAUD, specialized in the services and equipment for the land and maritime transport.

This general shipchandler having specific skills, has for main assignment to answer globally to the requirements of the shipowners both in the technical field of the general supplies for deck and engine, and in the safety area Toulon in the Var.

In the technical field of the general supplies for deck, engine and safety, Servaux positions itself as the national leader, being present in Le Havre and in Marseilles, in the supply of general stores, deck and engine, maintenance equipment, catering business products but also as the main operator in the field of lifesafety and firefighting equipment and services for the maritime industryToulon in the Var.
